оцйв ъецаеъ 1 тг 10 оъек 10
  1. #1
    збш шщен t_uri's Avatar
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм зйжеч бшвй шащ орет 258 - йеъш офтн азъ.

    тшб иеб млемн.

    аъоем, тбшъй аъ доййм д-500 оъзймъ ддшцд морет азшй аебшем лммй. дййрх оцййп щйщ цешк мзжч бшвй шащ орет бщмб жд моеори дрлеп (85 мйб'*фйи). рйвщъй момлъ дзйжеч емдфътъй лм бешв зежч бтшк 30 отмеъ тг дщвйт моеори дрлеп. од щарй ба мщаем деа дан мгтълн йщ цешк вн бсеу ддшцд мзжч бшвйн амд (тег 2000 оййм) ае мфзеъ мбгеч щдн ма дщъзшше лое азшй дфшч дшащеп щм ддшцд.

    арй лбш шеад айк аън аеошйн мй: "ма лъеб, аж ма!!! " абм арй отгйу мщаем, аемй йчен айжд ваеп азг щйвйг мй азшъ

    зрп, од аъд тщйъ? дан зйжчъ щрйъ азшй дзйжеч щм доййм д-500?

    рйш м. бдъзщб бръеп дазшеп (лм бешв дйд чцъ ощезшш) аемй лгай щъщчем озгщ зйжеч бшвй шащ орет ацмк бв'йф. ма?

    аешй им.
    Keep the dirty side down

    щймгд, орет, вйш, Klune-V, ишрсфш, сшрйн, бегй, осйлд шйъек, гйсч 4.5"....

  2. #2
    ордм фешен
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    ма. зйжчъй фтн азъ азшй ламу ч"о, жд од щлъеб, ма?
    4A6565706F6C6F672C2062657374206F6666726F 6164206D6167617A696E652073696E6365203230 3031

  3. #3
    збш шщен t_uri's Avatar
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    лъеб 500 оййм ( = 800 ч"о) абм ма зщеб, д-200 дамд ма йтще аъ ддбгм.

    аешй им
    Keep the dirty side down

    щймгд, орет, вйш, Klune-V, ишрсфш, сшрйн, бегй, осйлд шйъек, гйсч 4.5"....

  4. #4

    бшйшъ озгм

    аешй, дъййтцъй тн бп ойаребйх' мвбй жд,
    мгбшйе баефп лммй, лйееп щаиой дшащ доегшрййн тщеййн ощймеб щм фз езеош шк-ажбси ае ощде геод, чше очшйн щдзеош джд рсгч ае дъфешш бтчбеъ дзйжеч дресу - од щвшн мфшйцъ аин дшащ. мгбшйе дочшйн дамд дбйае бщмб осеййн м"recall" бревт мзйжеч ресу щм дшащ азшй дшцд (йцад дрзййд ма мзжч).
    мй жд ршад двйерй, тм азъ лод елод борет щмй щтеог боцб жд осфш щрйн. вн ацмк дтебгд щдцмзъ мзжч аъ дбшвйн баеъе оеори, ма отйгд мгтъй тм лк щдн дщъзшше (азшъ од оерт одн мдощйк емдщъзшш бтъйг), ама тм лк щдаин ротк едъййцб.ллм щтебш джоп етчб щйрейй диоф' дчйцерййн арй орйз щдзеош вн оъчщд ,зйжеч ресу йщиз аеъе тег йеъш,йжтжт аеъе етмем мджйч. тм лп ан тбгъ мфй дсфш едлм ъчйп арй оцйт мк мдйорт оцтгйн ресфйн щтмемйн мджйч. бщбйм дщчи дрфщй аъд йлем мсоп аъ ойчен дбшвйн емеега щдн айрн ощъзшшйн.
    авб аъоем дзмфъй аъ аин дщтн щм олсд дщсъеойн, релзъй мгтъ щблм сбб зйжеч ресу, деа ргзс еоафщш мзжч йеъш афйме баеъе оеори.

  5. #5
    збш шщен t_uri's Avatar
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    рйш. чегн лм жд ойгт ощотеъй оаг. абм обмй мжмжм ббп, арй отшйк щдййрс е/ае цймиеп дйе реърйн тм лк аъ дгтъ ан дн дйе йегтйн щчййн сйлей мфвйтд баин тчб зйжеч щрй.
    мошеъ лм жд арй очеед щма рвшн мй ржч маин лй арй ма шецд мдлрс мжд щеб бжоп лм лк чцш.

    ъегд тм дойгт.

    аешй им.
    Keep the dirty side down

    щймгд, орет, вйш, Klune-V, ишрсфш, сшрйн, бегй, осйлд шйъек, гйсч 4.5"....

  6. #6

    бшйшъ озгм

    ан дйд рвшн мк ржч дййъ лбш йегт. мвбй дййрс - лршад щайп осчрд зг ощотйъ ае черцржес бтрййп джд. абм фтн азъ зйжчъ лбш ежд бсгш, мвбй зйжеч ресу отбш мод щлъеб бсфш дсйлеп деа лршад вбед йеъш.

  7. #7
    збш шщен t_uri's Avatar
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    йлем мдйеъ щбаоъ айп осчрд зг ощотйъ мвбй дтрййп.

    даоъ, дорет тесг лое чиш (боебп дзйебй).

    аешй им.
    Keep the dirty side down

    щймгд, орет, вйш, Klune-V, ишрсфш, сшрйн, бегй, осйлд шйъек, гйсч 4.5"....

  8. #8
    збш шщен тшп досечс's Avatar
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Jan 2003
    баш щбт

    бшйшъ озгм

    оежш.. доеслрйч щтщйъй ацме аъ даебшем морет, аош мй щбау очшд лоти щдеа тщд аебшем морет аошйчай ма дйд од мзжч ббшвй дшащ..
    деа бгч аъ дйгеч даеойн мма фъйзъ олсд щсъеойн ема дйд од мзжч..
    оеск ошлбъ дощрд - дсбъ шлбйн мдртд бвф"о
    оежорйн мйцеш айъй чщш гшк доеск.

  9. #9
    збш шщен
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    аин шащ мфрй 100 щрйн дйд тщей теш езйжеч дшащ ртщд бдъан мзеош
    од щаеош щгбшйн ощърйн бошецъ джоп етн лм длбег мдййрх ае щймиеп
    дъдмйлйн рщашйн ждйн абм дилрйчд ощърд
    мгевоа щйоещ бсймйчеп щдзмйу аъ дщшмч ебойчшйн осеййойн аъ аиой дрййш
    йщрн аиой шащ дйен ежд лемм од щролш ацм йребйх'
    щайрн оцшйлйн зйжеч бшвйн ресу

  10. #10
    збш шщен
    ъашйк дцишфеъ
    Dec 2002

    бшйшъ озгм

    баъш жд йщ айрфешоцйд одйцшп щм даиойн щроцайн лоти блм дв'йфйн башх,00.html



    Clamping Force


    When a head gasket is installed between the cylinder head and engine block, tightening the head bolts compresses the gasket slightly allowing the soft facing material on the gasket to conform to the small irregularities on the head and block deck surfaces. This allows the gasket to "cold seal" so it won't leak coolant before the engine is started.

    The head gasket's ability to achieve a positive cold seal as well as to maintain a long-lasting leak-free seal depends on two things: its own ability to retain torque over time (which depends on the design of the gasket and the materials used in its construction), and the clamping force applied by the head bolts.

    Fel-Pro "PermaTorque®" head gaskets are made with top quality materials and designed to remain resilient so they retain torque. That's why retorquing isn't necessary (some competitive head gaskets that are claimed to be "no retorque" can lose as much as 50 to 60% of their original torque after only 100 hours of service!). But even the best head gasket won't hold and maintain a tight seal if the head bolts have not been properly torqued. The amount of torque that's applied to the bolts as well as the order in which the bolts are tightened determine how the clamping force is distributed across the surface of the gasket. If one area of the gasket is under high clamping force while another area is not, it may allow the gasket to leak at the weakly clamped point. So the head bolts must all be tightened in a specified sequence and equally torqued to a specified value to assure the best possible seal.

    Another consequence of failing to torque the head bolts properly can be head warpage. Uneven loading created by unevenly tightened head bolts can distort the head. Over a period of time, this may cause the head to take a permanent set. So any head that has not been properly torqued should be checked for flatness prior to installing a new head gasket.

    Fel-Pro's inexpensive "Torque-To-Angle Indicator" (No. TRQ-1) eliminates guesswork when installing torque-to-yield head bolts.

    1. Make sure all the head bolts are in perfect condition with clean, undamaged threads. Dirty or damaged threads can give false torque readings as well as decrease a bolt's clamping force by as much as 50%! Wire brush all bolt threads, carefully inspect each one, and replace any that are nicked, deformed or worn.

    2. Dirty or deformed hole threads in the engine block can reduce clamping force the same as dirty or damaged threads on the bolts. Run a bottoming tap down each bolt hole in the block. The tops of the holes should also be chamfered so the uppermost threads won't pull above the deck surface when the bolts are tightened. Finally, clean all holes to remove any debris.

    3. For head bolts that screw into blind holes, lightly lubricate the bolt threads as well as the underside of the bolt heads with engine oil. For head bolts that extend into a coolant jacket, coat the threads with a flexible sealer such as Fel-Pro Gray Bolt Prep (GRA2). Failure to coat the threads may allow coolant to leak past the bolt.

    4. Many engines today use "torque-to-yield" (TTY) head bolts. These are specially designed bolts that stretch slightly when installed. This provides more even head loading and allows the bolts to hold torque better for improved head gasket sealing.

    When the bolts are installed, they're first tightened to a specific torque -- then tightened an additional amount that's measured in degrees of rotation. This final twist stretches the bolts to their yield point and creates the elastic clamping force that provides more even loading across the head and gasket. Because TTY head bolts stretch slightly (only a few thousandths of an inch), some auto makers say they should not be reused when the cylinder head is removed. Reusing TTY bolts will cause them to stretch further, which increases the risk of breakage.

    A stretched bolt also will not hold the same torque load as before, which may cause a loss of clamping force resulting in head gasket leakage. Ford says TTY head bolts on the 1.6L Escort engine should not be reused. Though not required, it may be wise to replace TTY head bolts on other engines if the vehicle manufacturer doesn't say to do so. Replacement TTY head bolts are available from Fel-Pro, and are recommended for Chrysler 2.2L and 2.5L, Ford 1.6l and 1.9L, and GM 1.8L, 2.0L and 2.5L fours, 3.0L V6 and 381 V8 diesel engines.

    5. Check bolt lengths. Make sure you have the correct length bolts for the application and for each hole location (some holes require longer or shorter bolts than others). Bolts should also be measured or compared to one another to check for stretch. Any bolt found to be stretched must be replaced because (1) it may be dangerously weak, (2) it won't hold torque properly, and (3) it may bottom out when installed in a blind hole.

    6. When installing head bolts in aluminum cylinder heads, hardened steel washers must be used under the bolt heads to prevent galling of the soft aluminum and to help distribute the load. Make sure the washers are positioned with their rounded or chamfered side up, and that there is no debris or burrs under the washers.

    7. Resurfacing a cylinder head decreases its overall height, so be sure to check bolt lengths to make sure they won't bottom out in blind holes. If a bolt bottoms out, it will apply little or no clamping force on the head which may allow the gasket to leak. If a head has been milled and one or more head bolts may be dangerously close to bottoming out, the problem can be corrected by either using hardened steel washers under the bolts to raise them up, or by using a Fel-Pro copper head gasket shim in conjunction with the new head gasket to restore proper head height.

    8. Always look up the specified tightening sequence and recommended head bolt torque values for an engine before installing the head gasket. Never guess. Complete cylinder head torque specifications for domestic and import vehicles are published in Fel-Pro's "Torque Tables" (486-93).

    9. Use an accurate torque wrench to tighten standard type head bolts in 3 to 5 incremental steps following the recommended sequence and torque specs for the application. Tightening the bolts down gradually creates an even clamping force on the gasket and reduces head distortion. It's a good idea to doublecheck the final torque readings on each head bolt to make sure none have been missed and that the bolts are retaining torque normally. If a bolt is not coming up to normal torque or is not holding a reading, it means trouble. Either the bolt is stretching or the threads are pulling out of the block. With TTY head bolts, a "Torque-To-Angle Indicator" such as Fel-Pro's TRQ-1 should be used in conjunction with a torque wrench to achieve proper bolt loading. After the head bolts have been torqued to the specified value, using the TRQ-1 tool to accurately measure the additional degrees of additional rotation eliminates guesswork and assures more consistent results.

    10. PermaTorque head gaskets do not require retorquing, but some head gaskets for import applications do. If a gasket requires retorquing, run the engine until it reaches normal operating temperature (usually 10 to 15 minutes), then shut it off. Retighten each head bolt in the same sequence as before while the engine is still warm. If the engine has an aluminum cylinder head or block, however, don't retorque the head bolts until the engine has cooled back down to room temperature.

    On some applications with retorque style head gaskets, it may be necessary to retorque the head a third time after a specified time or mileage interval due to the design of the engine. Follow the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations.

рещайн геойн

  1. сгш зйжеч бшвй шащ поеори щм орет 2800
    тм йгй сежй дощъеммъ бфешен фешен ойцебйщй Mitsubishi
    ъвебеъ: 7
    тглеп азшеп: 28-05-10, 00:23
  2. зйжеч бшвй дрбд
    тм йгй aass бфешен фешен в'йф сефд ешрвмш YJ/TJ
    ъвебеъ: 2
    тглеп азшеп: 22-05-07, 10:35
  3. зйжеч бшвй дчфйх мбегй-лод? тжшд
    тм йгй оайш шеибшв бфешен фешен в'йф сефд ешрвмш YJ/TJ
    ъвебеъ: 19
    тглеп азшеп: 21-01-07, 15:50
  4. бшвй зйжеч шащ орет - мечиййи?
    тм йгй той бфешен аеу-иефйч
    ъвебеъ: 1
    тглеп азшеп: 08-08-04, 23:56
  5. зйжеч бшвй шащ - оеорийн
    тм йгй сежй дощъеммъ бфешен аеу-иефйч
    ъвебеъ: 2
    тглеп азшеп: 12-09-03, 11:00

дшщаеъ фшсен

  • айп бафщшеък мфшсн рещайн згщйн
  • айп бафщшеък мфшсн ъвебеъ
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