ξφιβ ϊεφΰεϊ 1 ςγ 14 ξϊεκ 14
  1. #1
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει


    αςχαεϊ ϊχιςδ ωμ ηαψ ςν αεψβ τεμι αδεπγδ, ςμδ αι δψφεο μχπεϊ ρθ.

    ψτψτϊι αΰϊψ εψΰιϊι ωιω γςεϊ ημεχεϊ ςμ θια δξεφψιν εωρθ θεα ςεμδ λξδ ξΰεϊ γεμψιν(!!) ελμ γαψ τηεϊ ξζδ ωεεδ μςλεζ.

    ΰζ δΰξπν ?
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

  2. #2
    ξπδμ τεψεν shmil's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Oct 2003
    ξψλζ δΰψυ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ιω μι ρθ λζδ ωδιδ τςν αμ.λ.
    μδβιγ ωωεδ μςλεζ ιδιδ ηθΰ,
    εμδβιγ ωξφμιη ϊξιγ μημευ ιδιδ ιεξψπεϊ.
    Willys ρβεψ 58, λξε αρξμεο, ωριιν ωιτευ
    Willys ρβεψ 53, γβν ξτεΰψ - ξξϊιο μωιτευ

  3. #3
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    χφϊ χωδ μι μδβις μμ.λ. αιξιν ΰμδ, αξιεηγ ξΰζ ωδν ςαψε μψξμδ.

    δξμφεϊ μρθ λμωδε ?

    ιω μι ΰϊ ωεεψυ, θλπε φιπεψ ετιψεθλπιχδ ξϊηϊ μξωψγ, ΰαμ ψβς μτπι ωΰπι χετυ ΰμιδν ΰπι ξςγισ μγςϊ ξδ ιδιδ πλεο μψλεω.
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

  4. #4

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ξεξμυ αηεν...

    ξηιψ ωτει εςεωδ ϊ'ςαεγδ ξφειιο...
    ξι ΰξψ ξεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεε.... εμΰ χιαμ???

  5. #5
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    χπιϊι μαρεσ ρθ ξφειο ξωεεψυ. ΰαε ξΰιτδ μχπεϊ ΰϊ δρθ ωδξμφϊ ςμιε ?

    μφςψι ζδ μΰ ςζψ μϊχμδ δρτφιτιϊ λι δαεψβ πωαψ αχψΰπχ ελωξπριν μημευ ζδ ξρεαα ΰϊ δξπες (βιψ ΰεθεξθ, μΰ ιεγς ΰικ ςεφψιν).

    χγηϊι ΰϊ δαεψβ λεμε μαρεσ εςλωιε ξαψιζιν/ξϊχιπιν ϊεϊα αξχεν.

    ΰιο ρτχ ωζε διιϊδ εςεγπδ ηεειδ.
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

  6. #6
    ηαψ ψωεν lizard's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2005
    λτψ θψεξο

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ

    διιϊ ξλπιρ μδιμεκ. δξπες ΰπι ξαιο βν λλδ μΰ διδ ξπις.

  7. #7
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    βιψ ΰεθεξθ.... ωεν διμεκ μΰ ςεφψ ΰϊ δξπες
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

  8. #8
    ηαψ ψωεν BackDoorMan's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Sep 2006

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ςλωιε ιω μκ ζξο μχψεΰ ΰϊ λμ δμιπχιν μηιμευ .

    Studs - The Two Nut Trick

    To remove studs don't use stud extractors. They chew up the threads and destroy the studs as they remove them. Wind on two nuts and do them up tightly against each other. Use a spanner on the bottom nut and wind the stud out. If it won't come out with normal force then apply the hammer technique first.

    So the bolt finally broke

    Despite one's best efforts the occasional fastener is going to break. How to remove it depends on what remnants are left and why it broke. The main problem is when the remains are under the surface of the component the bolt is in and you can't get a pair of vice grips on the stub. If a bolt or stud snapped while it was being tightened then chances are the remains will not be tight in the female thread it's left in. In those cases you can drill a small hole into it and use an Easy-Out which is a left hand threaded removal tool. The tricky bit is drilling the pilot hole without slipping off and ruining the component the bolt is stuck in. That's much more easily done on a milling machine or pillar drill with a milling cutter rather than a drill bit which will slip off the jagged end of the bolt. Trying to do this in situ is not easy. One way is to clamp a piece of steel to the component with a pilot hole already drilled in it to guide your drill bit centrally into the bolt.

    If the bolt snapped while being removed because it was rusted into its thread then an Easy-Out is unlikely to work. Let's face it, if the full strength of the top half of the bolt wasn't enough to remove the threaded bit then a smaller tool fitted into a little pilot hole isn't going to help either. Chances are you'll break the Easy-Out inside the bolt and end up in an even worse mess. The way out here is to mill the bolt out carefully and retap the threads in the component or to helicoil the component back to its original size if the threads are too damaged to be used. Spark erosion is a useful method but expensive and obviously needs the component to be taken to a specialist. Welding a nut to any broken stub that can be reached is a good plan as described above.

    If you don't have the tools or techniques to safely remove a broken bolt then don't try. You'll just damage things further. Take it to a machine shop and have it done properly.

    The bolts are all out but the component won't come apart

    Are you sure all the bolts are out? Sometimes there is a hidden bolt the engine designer put in to try your patience. On the thermostat housing of the Peugeot 205 there are several obvious hex bolts and one sneaky allen bolt inside a recess which can be overlooked. Similarly I'm sure many people have struggled to remove the centre main bearing cap on this engine before realising there are two extra 8mm bolts which go in sideways from the outside of the block. If you've been wrestling with a component which refuses to come undone have another look all round it and make sure you haven't missed a fastener.

    So the bolt finally broke

    Despite one's best efforts the occasional fastener is going to break. How to remove it depends on what remnants are left and why it broke. The main problem is when the remains are under the surface of the component the bolt is in and you can't get a pair of vice grips on the stub. If a bolt or stud snapped while it was being tightened then chances are the remains will not be tight in the female thread it's left in. In those cases you can drill a small hole into it and use an Easy-Out which is a left hand threaded removal tool.
    The tricky bit is drilling the pilot hole without slipping off and ruining the component the bolt is stuck in. That's much more easily done on a milling machine or pillar drill with a milling cutter rather than a drill bit which will slip off the jagged end of the bolt. Trying to do this in situ is not easy. One way is to clamp a piece of steel to the component with a pilot hole already drilled in it to guide your drill bit centrally into the bolt.
    If the bolt snapped while being removed because it was rusted into its thread then an Easy-Out is unlikely to work. Let's face it, if the full strength of the top half of the bolt wasn't enough to remove the threaded bit then a smaller tool fitted into a little pilot hole isn't going to help either. Chances are you'll break the Easy-Out inside the bolt and end up in an even worse mess. The way out here is to mill the bolt out carefully and retap the threads in the component or to helicoil the component back to its original size if the threads are too damaged to be used. Spark erosion is a useful method but expensive and obviously needs the component to be taken to a specialist. Welding a nut to any broken stub that can be reached is a good plan as described above.

    If you don't have the tools or techniques to safely remove a broken bolt then don't try. You'll just damage things further. Take it to a machine shop and have it done properly.

    The bolts are all out but the component won't come apart

    Are you sure all the bolts are out? Sometimes there is a hidden bolt the engine designer put in to try your patience. On the thermostat housing of the Peugeot 205 there are several obvious hex bolts and one sneaky allen bolt inside a recess which can be overlooked. Similarly I'm sure many people have struggled to remove the centre main bearing cap on this engine before realising there are two extra 8mm bolts which go in sideways from the outside of the block. If you've been wrestling with a component which refuses to come undone have another look all round it and make sure you haven't missed a fastener ____
    BackDoorMan αρμπβ δξχεψι ψεεη αγψεν ΰψδ"α αωπεϊ δ 20 ετιψεωε: ξΰδα ωμ πωιν πωεΰεϊ εξϊΰψ ΰϊ γψκ διφιΰδ ξαιϊο ωμ ΰεϊο πωιν ρεψψεϊ.

  9. #9

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ρϊν ωΰμδ
    δαεψβ πωαψ ςξεχ ατπιν?
    πωαψ ''αγψκ δηεφδ'' ζ'ϊεξψϊ μΰ ψφδ μδιτϊη?
    πωαψ αρβιψδ?
    ​JEEP ΰξιϊι ζδ λξε ιιο θεα- ψχ ξωϊαη ςν δωπιν..

  10. #10
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    πωαψ ςξεχ ατπιν αξδμκ πριςδ

  11. #11

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    εξδ δαςιδ διϊδ μημευ ΰεϊε αψιϊεκ?
    ΰιο βιωδ?
    ​JEEP ΰξιϊι ζδ λξε ιιο θεα- ψχ ξωϊαη ςν δωπιν..

  12. #12
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ΰιο βιωδ πεηδ αψιϊεκ, ΰιζεψ ξΰγ φτεσ.
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

  13. #13
    ηαψ ψωεν BackDoorMan's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Sep 2006

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ϊςμδ ϊξεπδ, δφμηϊι τςν μψϊκ αεψβ ςαδ μξχεν ςν βιωδ χωδ α ZX εμωηψψ ςν ΰιξτχθ ΰϊ δλμ.

    ΰζ μΰ διιϊι τερμ ΰϊ δΰετφιδ δζε, μξψεϊ ωδψιϊεκ δφμιη ψχ μΰηψ ξρτψ πριεπεϊ.
    BackDoorMan αρμπβ δξχεψι ψεεη αγψεν ΰψδ"α αωπεϊ δ 20 ετιψεωε: ξΰδα ωμ πωιν πωεΰεϊ εξϊΰψ ΰϊ γψκ διφιΰδ ξαιϊο ωμ ΰεϊο πωιν ρεψψεϊ.

  14. #14
    ξπδμ τεψεν GodsFather's Avatar
    ϊΰψικ δφθψτεϊ
    Jan 2006
    ξξω ξςαψ μτιπδ

    αψιψϊ ξηγμ ϊβεαδ: ξητω δξμφδ μρθ ηεμφι αψβιν αξηιψ ωτει

    ΰϊδ αωψωεψ δμΰ πλεο - δλμ αΰ ςμ ξχεξε αωμεν μΰηψ ωχγηϊι ΰϊ δαεψβ λεμε, δαψζϊι ϊεϊα τπιξδ.
    μΰ δβςϊι μψΰω ωψωψϊ δξζεο λγι μδιεϊ φξηεπι!

    ξητω ψελω μζεβ λμιεϊ αξφα θεα,λεμμ ςαεγδ...

πεωΰιν γεξιν

  1. ξητω ξχρθψχ φψεα μΰψετΰι εΰξψιχΰι αξηιψ ωτει
    ςμ ιγι samoray1 ατεψεν τεψεν ρεζεχι Suzuki
    ϊβεαεϊ: 1
    ςγλεο ΰηψεο: 02-08-12, 07:25
  2. ξητω ξΰχρθψχ αξηιψ ωτει ξΰεγ
    ςμ ιγι yes1952 ατεψεν μεη ξεγςεϊ ξςεπιιπιν μχπεϊ
    ϊβεαεϊ: 0
    ςγλεο ΰηψεο: 18-02-12, 12:39
  3. ξητω ΰαπιιν αξηιψ ωτει
    ςμ ιγι ςεγγ ζπθεο ατεψεν τεψεν ςωδ ζΰϊ αςφξκ
    ϊβεαεϊ: 22
    ςγλεο ΰηψεο: 10-10-11, 23:34
  4. ξητω ςψιρδ \ ββεο μτΰβψε 2008, αξηιψ ωτει.
    ςμ ιγι ohadha ατεψεν τεψεν ξιφεαιωι Mitsubishi
    ϊβεαεϊ: 2
    ςγλεο ΰηψεο: 23-07-11, 23:49
  5. ξητω δξμφδ μξρμεμ ωτει αΰιζεψ ηεψωο
    ςμ ιγι 500 ξςτ"ω ατεψεν τεψεν θιεμι β'ιτιν εωθη
    ϊβεαεϊ: 3
    ςγλεο ΰηψεο: 02-05-09, 17:23

δψωΰεϊ τψρεν

  • ΰιο αΰτωψεϊκ μτψρν πεωΰιν ηγωιν
  • ΰιο αΰτωψεϊκ μτψρν ϊβεαεϊ
  • ΰιο αΰτωψεϊκ μφψσ χαφιν
  • ΰιο αΰτωψεϊκ μςψεκ ΰϊ δεγςεϊικ